Small Explorers: “Birds of a Feather Flock Together”

Thursday, August 4, 9.30am – 11am
Mackay Regional Botanic Gardens

Join Maya, Botanic Gardens Visitors Services Officer, and come and discover different birds that live in or visit the Botanic Garden

Join Maya, Botanic Gardens Visitors Services Officer, and come and discover different birds that live in or visit the Botanic Gardens.

Read a story or two and see a collection of different bird nests.

After a short walk finish the session by making a clay bird with feathers or make a peewee nest. (Peewee birds make mud nests; you’ll see a real one!)

Small Explorer sessions are fun and educational opportunities for toddlers and kindergarten aged children 18 months to 5 years held monthly or by appointment.

Let us know if you wish to come along by contacting the Botanic Gardens on 49527300 and booking the date with us. Tell a friend so they can join in too.

Contact: Maya Harrison

Phone: 49527300
